I am pleased to write on behalf of Easter Seals to support the good work you are doing at All Wheels Up, Inc. to increase access to air travel for people with disabilities, particularly those that use wheelchairs. Easter Seals shares your commitment to providing equal access to the skies for all people.
Easter Seals has worked to help assure that people with disabilities have the ability to travel in their community and throughout the world for decades. We were at the forefront of advocating for passage of the Air Carrier Access Act and the transportation provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Since passage of those laws, we have worked with transportation providers, people with disabilities, elected officials and the general public to assure that the promise of full mobility is achieved. Your work on airline accessibility is an important part of fulfilling that promise.
I look forward to working with you as we move forward towards achieving our common mission.
Jennifer Dexter
Assistant Vice President, Government Relations